

Living His Life

Living His Life

Sep 2013
Sermons in this series
Randy Skeete
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Duration: 46 mins
http://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/1264/855-the-best-of-everything/ God chose the Israelites as His blessed people and gave them eight privileges that set them apart from the rest of the world. Of these privileges, one stood highest of all. The Bible identifies the chief privilege in Romans 3:2 -- the law of God, which is the very expression of His will. Join Pastor Randy Skeete in this sermon as he explains that God's will for us is to live in accordance with His law, and this should be our delight to do.
Randy Skeete
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Duration: 49 mins
http://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/1264/855-the-best-of-everything/ God chose the Israelites as His blessed people and gave them eight privileges that set them apart from the rest of the world. Of these privileges, one stood highest of all. The Bible identifies the chief privilege in Romans 3:2 -- the law of God, which is the very expression of His will. Join Pastor Randy Skeete in this sermon as he explains that God's will for us is to live in accordance with His law, and this should be our delight to do.
Randy Skeete
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Duration: 50 mins
http://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/1263/854-living-lawfully/ Human beings are physical and moral creatures, which means we are under physical and moral laws. Learn what these laws are and their implications for our lives in this fascinating lecture!
Randy Skeete
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Duration: 49 mins
http://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/1262/853-above-and-beyond/ Are you following God's law in your attitude as well as in your actions? Learn how the Ten Commandments exercise authority first and foremost on the level of thought, and then our behavior.
Randy Skeete
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Duration: 48 mins
http://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/1261/852-in-his-image/ When God made humanity "in His image," He made us in the image of God -- not to become God, but to become godly. This is the standard for Christians to aspire to -- godliness, for which we have the perfect example in Christ. In this lecture, Pastor Randy Skeete reveals the purpose of the law, how it relates to God's character, and the importance of the law today. He challenges Christians to live according to the same high standard that God set for humanity in the beginning.
Randy Skeete
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Duration: 46 mins
http://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/1260/851-living-the-good-life/ What did Jesus mean when he said, "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God?" Listen to this sermon to find out how in this passage, Jesus gave us the clue to living the good life.