

Subjects Addressed: (1) Put on the seventh part of the armor of God which is persevering prayer. (2) There is an intimate connection between the sword of the Spirit and persevering prayer. (2:45) (3) Any person who does not persevere in prayer will be shaken out and be lost, while those who persevere will receive the latter rain and give the loud cry message and be saved. (8:00) (4) The agenda of “The Gathering 2016” is for the churches again to become the conscience of the government and that all churches must unite with one voice and dictate to civil authorities. (20:25) (5) Pope Francis gathered over 500,000 youth at WYD to recruit them as his messengers. (28:50) (6) Pope Francis fell while conducting Mass in Poland, which is a symbol that Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen. (31:35) (7) Pope Francis commits blasphemy against Jesus Christ by stating the following: “It is to Mary, then that we, who have gathered here, now look. In her, we find complete conformity to the Lord. Mary is that space, preserved free from sin, where God chose to mirror himself. She is the stairway God took to descend and draw near to us.” (38:36) (8) Seventh-day Adventist pastors and leaders are uniting with the ministers of Babylon instead of calling them out from Babylon. (46:15) (9) Seventh-day Adventist leader gathers church to play Pokemon Go. (48:30) (10) Pope Francis stated that Nazi death camp reminds him of a day of pain. He stated “How much pain! How much cruelty! How is it possible that we humans, created in the likeness of God, are capable of doing these things?” While the Jesuits are the most cruel people upon the earth. (50:15) (11) Hillary Clinton chose Tim Kaine as running mate for VP. Tim Kaine is Jesuit trained and educated. (56:00) (12) The Republican Platform 2016 is pushing to bring back prayer and the reading of the Bible in public schools. (57:55) (13) Persevering prayer is needed in order to meet the coming crisis. Learn the science of prayer. (1:02:20)
Duration:1 hr 50 mins