

When you consider the message addressed to the church of Laodicea, there is a tendency to dismiss the warnings, counsels and rebukes as applicable to ourselves and believe this message to pertain to others-- those in open apostasy or those in  the nominal churches.  Hence, one will never examine himself/herself or truly see his/her wretchedness and deplorable condition if he/she does not fall upon the Rock in self-abnegation and be broken.  So long as we feel whole and continue to compare ourselves with others and are satisfied with our present experience, we shall never heed the counsel of the True Witness and thus be spewed out of Jesus' mouth, all the while denouncing others as being lukewarm.  However, "the Laodicean message applies to the people of God who profess to believe present truth.  The greater part are lukewarm professors, having a name but no zeal..." (4T 87). It is astonishing that of the relatively small number of those professing present-truth, the majority are lukewarm.  Where do you stand?  Are you content with your standing before God? If so, you are in a self-righteous, self-deceived condition and are prepared to not only reject the straight testimony but to rise up against it, be shaken out of truth, and ultimately persecute the Author and the messengers of the straight testimony. Christ's spewing individuals out of His mouth signifies that He will not, in this time of investigative judgment, confess their names before the Father; their names as well as themselves will be rejected. However, there is hope for the Laodiceans, which "is a clear view of their standing before God, acknowledge of the nature of their disease" (4T 87). It is time for lukewarm Laodiceans to acknowledge their utter wretchedness, make confession, be justified, live by faith, receive the straight truth, and give the straight testimony!
Duration:1 hr 35 mins
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