

Messages with tag - church

Friday, 11 April 2014
Duration: 56 mins
The involvement of Seventh-day institutions with ministers, teachers, books, and ideologies from Babylon is an ongoing trend that we need to be aware of, so that we can stay clear of these unlawful unions that tend to undermine faith in God's words; thus resulting in God withholding the dew and the rain, His holy Spirit and present-truth doctrines from His professed people. Breaking News: "Auburn Christian groups hold ecumenical Lenten services" Six churches -- St. Teresa of Avila, Auburn Presbyterian, Auburn Seventh-day Adventist, Bethlehem Lutheran, First Congregational and Pioneer United Methodist -- will conduct Lenten worship every Wednesday, starting March 5 and ending April 9. Each group will host one day and will feature a guest pastor from a different church. Pastor Dan Appel of Auburn Seventh-day Adventist said he believes that the collaboration among organizations will bring about good faith among Auburn Christians. "I think the intent was to just give the people the opportunity to get acquainted with other pastors," Appel said. "So often, people hear the same speaker over and over again. This gives people the chance to get better acquainted. There is also an attempt to show that while we may have theological differences with each other, we still respect each other as followers of God." Click here for article: http://www.prophesyagain.com/Prophesy_Again/Gospel/Entries/2014/4/7_Local_SDA_Church_Accepts_Popes_Call_For_Ecumenism.html
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Duration: 1 hr 19 mins
I feel a terror of soul as I see to what a pass our publishing house has come. The presses in the Lord's institution have been printing the soul-destroying theories of Romanism and other mysteries of iniquity. The office must be purged of this objectionable matter. I have a testimony from the Lord for those who have placed such matter in the hands of the workers. God holds you accountable for presenting to young men and young women the fruit of the forbidden tree of knowledge. {8T 91.2} Website: www.prophesyagain.org The Sermon notes for this message is also available for download.
Ted Wilson
Monday, 30 December 2013
Duration: 42 mins
State of the Church - An important message to the Church for a revival among the members by Pastor Ted Wilson. Category: Preaching Host: Ted Wilson Production: "SDA General Conference" Join us: http://www.facebook.com/GodRevelations http://www.twitter.com/God_Revelations http://www.GodRevelations.org