

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Leprous Stones Cast Out Of SDA Church

We are living in the time of the final shaking and sifting. Will you remain in the truth? or will you be sifted out? Like the rich young ruler, Seventh-day Adventists are rich and increased with goods and are in need of nothing, Revelation 3:17-20. "The lover of self is a transgressor of the law. This Jesus desired to reveal to the young man, and He gave him a test that would make manifest the selfishness of his heart. He showed him the plague spot in his character. The young man desired no further enlightenment. He had cherished an idol in the soul; the world was his god." {COL 392.1} "Through affliction God reveals to us the plague spots in our characters, that by His grace we may overcome our faults. {DA 301.1} Contact information: www.prophesyagain.org
Duration:1 hr 18 mins