

Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Help us caption and translate this video on In this lecture, Pastor Bohr applies the story of Cain and Abel by showing that it is a microcosmic prophecy and illustration of the similar, but worldwide, expanded war of Armageddon that will culminate the final scenes of this world's history. He shows how it is a worldwide spiritual battle between true worshipers and false and not a literal war in the Middle East between the Arabs, Russians and Chinese loading up against the little plot of land that is the nation of Israel, as many prophecy teachers try to promote today. The real issues at Armageddon are who we accept as our authority as to how we will worship, whose law we will obey, whose mark we will take and if we will be clothed by Christ's righteousness or walk naked in our own works of disobedience. You will discover what Cain's mark that preserved him represents, what the "beast" that "crouched at his door" represents, why he killed his brother, how Abel's and future martyrs' blood cries from the ground and calls for justice, and how two distinct forms of worship started back then that will culminate in the false seed persecuting their faithful brothers and sisters when these issues are fully developed at the end. This story also shows how we are not a special chosen seed by blood or lineage but by faith and character. Like Adam and Eve, those who survive Armageddon will have accepted the blood of the Lamb to cover their sins and to clothe them with obedient and righteous characters.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
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Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Before this earth was created, it was a mass without form that was empty and dark. God created life and an atmosphere for it to survive in. But because of sin, someday this earth will be destroyed and will go back to its primeval, abysmal state during the Millennium. Pastor Bohr compares Revelation 20 with the seldom studied millennial prophecies of Jeremiah 4 and Isaiah 24 and shows how those who think that Jesus will rapture people secretly, and then seven years later will come down and rule for 1,000 years of peace here on earth, are simply mistaken. Rather, the evidence shows that the righteous will be in heaven judging the wicked, who are all dead during this period. It is satan and his angels who will be chained as in a prison to this empty and dark planet, with no one left to tempt, to think about the destruction and misery they have brought into the universe. Pastor Bohr demonstrates how the seven last plagues will reverse each step of creation back to where it started, and will fully devastate our planet into an uninhabitable place where no creature could even live during the Millennium. He reveals what the mysterious "bottomless pit" is by examining the word as used in other places in Scripture that describes a place where both the living and the dead are cast. He also shows another method of how the year/day principle is demonstrated by comparing these Millennium texts. Isaiah says that men are responsible for the destruction of the earth because they have transgressed God's laws, changed His Sabbath and broken His everlasting covenant. Contrary to what many teach today, this sermon also shows that the flood story makes it clear that those who will be left when Jesus comes are those who are the righteous and those who are taken away and destroyed are the wicked. Satan wants men to believe in a Millennium of peace here on earth so he can fool them with his final masterpiece of deception in imitating the coming of Christ. Only after the 1,000 years are over will the New Jerusalem come down from heaven and God will recreate this earth back to Edenic perfection and make it the capital of the universe.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
In this presentation, Pastor Bohr discusses how the perfect and free nature that mankind was originally created with changed after Adam and Eve sinned, causing our whole race to become corrupt from the core and slaves to sin right from birth. Because of this, misery and woe have spread and increased in our world and many feel burdened down with guilt, failure and low self-image. But God has set up a means whereby we can be forgiven of and washed from our past sins and be reborn into a new nature provided for us by Christ's victory over sin and death on the cross. Jesus now stands as the perfect representative of the human race instead of Adam. Baptism into His name is the public expression of our desire for and acceptance of that change of nature, of drowning our past life to death and of joining a new family of brothers and sisters and followers of Christ. When we come up out of the water, we resurrect with Jesus into a new life of unselfish love for others and ever increasing victory in our daily struggles with sin, by the power of the Holy Spirit given us at baptism. We also become joint heirs with Christ of His inheritance from the Father. This subject is of vital importance, because Jesus said that we cannot see the kingdom of heaven unless we are born again and baptized by His grace of water and of His Spirit. Pastor Bohr shows why it is important that we are baptized by immersion and at an age of understanding and accountability, just as Jesus was, as there are many kinds of baptism practiced in the churches of today that do not fulfill all of the meaning this ceremony teaches us. This hope-filled sermon shows how we can experience true rebirth, joyous victory and full release from fear, guilt and failure to overcome sin in our lives.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
When God created this earth, He provided and set up eight perfectly balanced elements and laws that man was to use to keep himself in good health. Pastor Bohr examines how these laws were to be adapted and implemented at five distinct periods of human history. He describes the effects that the entrance and curse of sin had in changing certain conditions in nature and how the second curse of the flood even further degraded and changed conditions on the earth which affected health and longevity. He discusses why the Tree of Life was taken from man after sin and how it, and all of what God originally created for our best health, will once again be restored to man in the new earth's Eden. God has an ideal health plan for man today and how much we buy into that plan affects our happiness and our ability to discern God's will, to overcome sin and to build holy characters, which are needed now more than ever before in order to endure the trials of faith and temptation and to develop the unyielding stamina necessary to face the closing scenes of this earth's history. Our bodies are temples for the spiritual indwelling of the Holy Spirit and therefore deserve the best of care. "The body is the only medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the upbuilding of character. Hence it is that the adversary of souls directs his temptations to the enfeebling and degrading of the physical powers. His success here means the surrender to evil of the whole being" (MH 130). Breathing pure air, drinking and properly applying water, getting enough sunlight, exercise and rest, practicing temperance, eating a healthy diet and trusting in God's power are the factors that help to keep the vitality we each were born with at a premium. Pastor Bohr delves into some fascinating scientific evidence that shows that each of us inherit from our parents a constitutional energy or vital force that we can either foolishly burn off too fast by bad habits and overindulgence or conserve for the times we will need it most by a wise and proper use of our powers in forming correct and balanced health habits. For those who question whether a Christian should drink alcohol, smoke, and use unclean or other meats, he examines principles from the Bible that show us what our motivation should be in learning how to discern what is good or bad for us to partake in and what the ideal diet is that God intended for man. This is a health lecture with a different twist than any you may have heard before and those who purchase the study guide that goes with this series will find it valuable to have a fuller picture of this important subject.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Help us caption and translate this video on There is no subject Jesus talked about more frequently in His teachings than the subject of money and its potential for blessing or ruin. In this presentation, Pastor Bohr lays out four principles found in Genesis that pertain to God's original guidelines and principles on this subject. God is the Creator, and therefore the Owner, of all things. He also left the riches of heaven to give us His life in re-creating us and saving us from sin and final death. Our life, ability and strength and all that we have comes to us from Him and not from any of our own efforts. He has made us His administrators or stewards of His material blessings and He asks of us back, as a test of our faithfulness, devotion and honesty, a tithe of all our increase. He also asks of us freewill offerings to further support and advance His gospel cause on earth. But these sacrifices are nothing compared to what He has given us. Pastor Bohr shares several fascinating comparisons that demonstrate that just like the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was set aside from the use of Adam and Eve, the tithe is a test today of our recognition of Him as Owner of all and His set aside portion is not to be used for our own pleasure. He also shows how the stories of Joseph and Potiphar and Elijah and the widow of Zarephath vividly illustrate the principles of tithing and stewardship. Some Christians say that tithing was a requirement made only for the Jewish system and God doesn't worry over whether we pay tithe or not today, but Pastor Bohr shows that men were returning tithe to God's servants even before the time of Moses and Paul makes clear in the New Testament that tithes are still to support the work of God's ministers on earth. We cannot take anything from this life but our characters and therefore we should store up treasure in heaven, where it is safe from degradation and destruction, by using all we have to honor God and to advance His kingdom of grace on earth by our financial support. Jesus taught that when we invest our talents of any kind, they will increase with use but if we withhold from God His own, we will suffer under a curse and will end up losing everything we have tried to hold on to in this life. God has increased blessings in store for those who take Him up on His promises and test His sworn Word to take care of those who honor Him with their tithes and offerings. They will discover the joy and peace of those who find "that it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). Help us caption & translate this video!
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Help us caption and translate this video on Genesis 3:15 foretold that there would be good seeds warring against wicked seeds in this world. Every person nurtures and reaps either the one seed or the other in their lives by choosing which of four types of soil we allow that seed to grow in. Pastor Bohr examines the Parable of the Sower to find what is represented by the kinds of good and bad soil which brings up good or bad plants. This is a call for those who have heard the truth to cherish what they have heard and not let satan pluck it out of their heart by rejection or neglect, or by giving in to the cares of this world, the pressure of persecution by family and friends, or the pleasures and riches of life, which may destroy the plant which the Holy Spirit of truth has sprouted in the heart. Several biblical examples of those who chose one of the four kinds of soil are given so we may see the results of letting the Word fall on poor ground. This sermon will encourage you to keep planting good seeds like Jesus did, no matter if they are accepted or rejected. His Word will not go out and return to Him with no result, but will bear fruit in either souls judging themselves by being unreceptive to the good seed or by being receptive to the moisture of the workings of the Holy Spirit. God can change the heart's naturally stony and unfruitful soil through contact with and time spent in absorbing His Word. Help us caption & translate this video!
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Help us caption and translate this video on There are hundreds of varieties of Christian denominations and churches in the world today that have developed and changed over time from the original church founded by Jesus in the Bible. In this bewildering array of choices, are there any guidelines found in Scripture which will point us to which of these is described by the last day remnant church found in Revelation 12:17? Is there a biblical outline and description of what these people will believe and practice that will be the base to guide us to the proper choice, or are we to just choose any church we please based on such things as which one has a large number of members or attendees, the most charismatic preacher, the most variety of programs, the most conveniences, or the best emotional or exciting appeal to us? Pastor Bohr carefully examines Revelation 12 and 13 to show that God has given us at least ten identifying characteristics of where we can find His chosen and pure church in the last days that will be trying to reflect to the fullest extent what He has asked of us to believe and to preach. He shows how this church will undo the change of the times and the Law that the little horn attempted to do in the past and will attempt once again. The end time remnant of the woman's seed of Genesis 3:15 will be opposed by the dragon and his seed in every way possible in these last days and we must distinguish between true and false seeds of doctrines, planted by either God or the devil, to find where God wants us to be today in furthering His cause in calling people out of "Babylon" by the three angels' gospel messages of warning and judgment. Pastor Bohr also shows by biblical examples why it is important to join the church body of believers and how that is done. Help us caption & translate this video!
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Duration: 59 mins
Seven Churches of Revelation Ephesus , we will travel back into time to see the history of this Church and how it relates to the book of Revelation
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Duration: 59 mins
Laodicia - Rich yet Lukewarm Jesus Makes reference to the state of this Church see how is relates to our time period
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