

Sermons in this series
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
The events of Revelation 12 are expanded upon in Revelation 13. Pastor Bohr here compares chapter 13 with Daniel 7 as the battle between the Prince and the dragon is described in more detail. The symbols in Daniel 7 of four beasts, ten horns, winds and waters, and the identity of the little horn are all clearly deciphered. He then shows how the first beast of Revelation 13 is the same power as the little horn Antichrist. Just as Nebuchadnezzar tried to change God's order of prophetic events, so most Christians today have been fooled by the devil to think that the Antichrist has not appeared in history yet, but this presentation proves otherwise. This Antichrist beast has two major stages in history and has almost fully revived after it had been given what appeared to be a deadly wound. Pastor Bohr unravels the clues in these chapters as to who this beast is, how it was judged at the end of its first stage, and how to find the meaning of the number 666 which represents its name.
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Revelation 12 bears a very close resemblance to Genesis 3:15, as well as to the life of Moses and the Exodus story, and is one of the best examples in the Bible of the unfolding of the battle between the woman and her Seed against the dragon and his seed. Pastor Bohr carefully compares the three passages to help understand what is meant by these symbols. Revelation 12 describes three major stages in the Great Controversy, culminating in the final warfare where the dragon vents his utmost fury against the remnant of the woman's seed. There are many fascinating comparisons in this lecture that show clearly that Moses' life prefigured Christ's experience, as well as His church's battle in the wilderness of temptation and compromise as the devil tried to overthrow her. Pastor Bohr answers questions about what happened to satan because of the cross and why he didn't want Christ to die on it, yet at the same time he had been trying to kill Him earlier throughout His life. He also answers what is meant by the Seed's seed and why the end time saints are called the remnant.
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Help us caption and translate this video on This presentation begins a section of four lectures that deal with the battle between the seeds of the woman and the serpent, as illustrated in history and in the end time events of the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. In this sermon, Pastor Bohr examines this play and counterplay of history as revealed by symbols in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar's image in Daniel 2. This foundational chapter is the skeleton, framework and overview for all the rest of Bible prophecy. God is shown to overrule in history to defeat satan's purposes of world control. Each metal in the image represents a world empire in which each followed the other, thus confirming the historical flow interpretation of prophecy that opens up most clearly where we are in prophetic events. A very interesting section of this sermon goes into detail on what the clay means that is mixed with the iron in the feet and toes of the image. This sermon will encourage you that God will work everything out for good in our complex world and He will win the battle in the end. Help us caption & translate this video!
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
A big issue and key in the interpretation of Bible prophecy is the matter of correctly identifying who true Israel is in Scripture. Should we interpret the scriptural meaning of Israel, as understood by New Testament writers, to refer to those who are simply literal descendants of Abraham, and therefore interpret prophecies referring to Israel as only having fulfillment in some supposed future Jewish dispensation, after a secret rapture, as most preachers teach today, or do we apply them as meaning anyone who has accepted and follows Christ, Abraham's true Seed, as the Messiah? Pastor Bohr proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Israel that God accepts and fulfills His promises to today are individuals from any nation who have accepted Christ as the Messiah and that no promise will be fulfilled to Israel as a secular nation anymore because they did not accept Him when He came and still do not. He studies Jesus' fig tree and vineyard parables and delves especially into what Paul has to say in Galatians 4 about the spiritual meaning of Hagar's son Ishmael and Sarah's son Isaac. He shows how both sons were Abraham's literal seed, but only those born of faith into the second birth, represented by Isaac, can inherit the promises made to Abraham, made viable by his Seed, Christ. Therefore, those literal Jews who do not become reborn as spiritual Jews by faith in Jesus are really Ishmaelites/Arabs and any Ishmaelites who accept Him are really Jews in God's reckoning. Only by both accepting Jesus could there ever be any lasting peace in the Middle East. We all must be born again spiritually into Christ and leave behind the natural first birth of our own works, which leads to slavery to sin and disinheritance of the promises. The key to prophecy is Jesus, not Israel. This lesson is crucial in properly understanding the language referring to Israel, Zion, Megiddo and Babylon found in the book of Revelation.
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
In this sermon, Pastor Bohr studies a story which is a prime showpiece of Genesis' pattern of recording historical events that also have prophetic significance. The story of Abraham's willingness to offer Isaac as a sacrifice clearly has many parallels to God the Father offering His submissive and willing Son Jesus to die in our place and to His subsequent resurrection. Even the very place where the temple was to be built and where Jesus would die, as well as the amount of time He would suffer and what material He would be sacrificed on, was foreshadowed by this event. Jesus was the One Who made the promises to Abraham about his Seed that would restore to mankind the worldwide dominion, conquering of enemies, abundant blessings, and holy descendants that Adam had forfeited. He alone fulfilled His own promise, through His perfect life and death, and gives these blessings to all spiritual Israelites who accept Him. Pastor Bohr underlines the important Bible truth that all these promises were made, not to Abraham's human descendants, to be fulfilled by and in the nation of Israel, as many prophecy teachers erroneously teach today, but only to Abraham's unique and "only begotten" Seed, Christ, Who alone perfectly fulfilled them. No promise that He has made can ever be irrevocably given or fulfilled to Israel or to anyone else as long as they do not accept Him as the only perfect Seed of Abraham. We must all be adopted by baptism into Him as His brothers and sisters in order for the blessings to shared with us. This encouraging sermon will show that when we are tested with trials and sorrow and seem to have no way out, "the Lord will provide" for us what He has said He would.
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
In this presentation, Pastor Bohr traces the history of the Tower of Babel and how its capital city of Babylon developed, worshiped its founder as the sun god, and became the great enemy of truth and God's people over the centuries. Just one-hundred years after the flood, the "sons of men" had again become so corrupt and full of pride that God had to stop their rebellious consolidation at Babel by confusing their languages and scattering them across the world. The holy line of the "sons of God" had to be protected in this way before Nimrod's one-world empire would wipe it out. But as soon as the Messiah had accomplished His work, God reversed what He had done at the scattering of the nations, by giving the disciples the ability to speak in other tongues, so that the gospel could be spread throughout the world without the language barriers that had started at Babel. This story also has prophetic implications, as satan is gathering and uniting his followers into one final, huge, worldwide and conglomerate spiritual "Babylonian Empire" which will, by ecumenicalism and confusing doctrines, tongues, miracles and lies, try to overthrow God, His truth and His chosen people at the end of time. The sun god, Nimrod, will appear spiritually, as the promotion of the worship of God on the false worship day, Sunday, becomes the key issue in the end. Satan will be so successful in his plan that Jesus wondered, with prophetic vision, if He would find faith on earth when He comes again. But, like Noah, Lot, and Abraham, whom God called to come out of the area of Babylon before he might become corrupted, there will be an end time remnant left, who have come out, and will stay out, of spiritual Babylon, even though these elect ones will have come close to being overthrown by the dragon's wrath and Babylon's inviting delusions. Pastor Bohr ties things together by examining the history of how Israel, God's chosen people, began when Abraham left the cities of Mesopotamia for Canaan and discusses the purpose for which they were called out. He shows how those Christians are deceived and mistaken who focus on thinking God's promises will be fulfilled to the literal nation of rebellious Israel today, and who fail to see that those promises are already fulfilled in Abraham's true Seed, Christ and to anyone who accepts Him as the true Israel of the promise made to Abraham by faith. All of this is critical to understanding end time prophecy correctly.
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Not only did Jesus apply the story of Noah as having parallel end time events, but He also said that the story of Lot in Sodom is both historical and prophetic as well. Pastor Bohr shares amazing comparisons between the judgment messages of the three angels that visited Sodom just before it fell and the messages of the three angels of Revelation 14 who warn of a judgment of fire and brimstone coming upon those who refuse to leave spiritual Babylon, who commits spiritual immorality, is focused on materialism and is full of self-satisfied ease and pride. Like Lot, who tried to warn any who might be still righteous to get out of the city, we are called with a message for God's people to come out of this worldwide corrupted system before it is too late. The angels protecting Lot and closing shut the door of his house, the smoke rising from Sodom, the "eternal fire" that burned Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, the four types of people described in this story, all have their counterparts in the final judgment of this world. Many believe the wicked will be the ones burning forever in hellfire, but Pastor Bohr shows us how the Bible clearly says that only the righteous will be able to survive and live in the eternal fire. Find out what this "fire" really is and how this story proves the Adventist view of the doctrine of hell to be the correct one. He also shares what Christians need to be like in order to become fireproof, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were, and to stand through the judgment and the final destruction of this world.
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
In this presentation Pastor Bohr studies ten points about the nature of man. He answers the following questions with many Bible texts and examples: What is life? What is the body composed of? What is the spirit of man? What is the soul and what happens to it after we die? How was man created? What was the Tree of Life for in Eden and why were angels sent to guard it? Does man have an immortal soul? What is death? Why does the Bible refer to it as sleep? Where does man go when he dies? If we die is there hope for living again? When will death be totally eradicated? Will everyone eventually make it to heaven? How do we reconcile texts which say that we have eternal life right now with others that say we will rise at the resurrection? How is the need for Jesus having come to earth to die for us and His coming again to take us to heaven affected by what we believe about this subject? Why are these things especially important to understand in these last days? In a world saturated with the occult influencing Hollywood movies, astrologers, channelers and New Age mystics and with reports of many people claiming to have near death experiences and to see and talk to angelic visitors or deceased loved ones, we need to be armed with understanding the hidden motives and forces behind these spiritual phenomena that claim there is immediate life beyond death. As with every wrong doctrine, how we look at this subject determines whether our belief brings glory to God or glory to man and the devil.
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Help us caption and translate this video on New Age, spiritualistic philosophies have influenced much of today's world and even though many Christians condemn this movement, yet many of them fail to see how several of its philosophies have actually permeated the church. In this presentation, Pastor Bohr discusses how God is a person in heaven and not an essence present everywhere in nature as New Age pantheists teach today. The Bible teaches that God preceded, created and is above and beyond nature. Man, created in the image of God, was made higher and differently from animals and plants in that he was given the power to choose to obey or disobey a God-given code of Law that was required of him by an Authority outside of him. He did not possess an inherent standard of right and wrong in and of himself. Neither did he possess inherent immortality as New Agers teach that we have. We have all sinned and would have died had Christ not stepped in with a plan to save us. Someday we will all appear before His judgment seat to be held accountable for our lives here and the results of our choices will end in either eternal life in heaven or death. We do not judge ourselves by our own internal standards and "value clarifications", as spiritualists teach, but are judged by Christ's Law. The Sabbath was given by God as a sign of this distinction we are to acknowledge to be between our Creator and His created beings. We worship Him on that day as thus being superior to us and thus having the right to tell us how and when He wants us to worship Him. Pastor Bohr shows that all these truths of the Bible are made null and void by the belief system of the New Age movement. This topic is very important to pay attention to, because when Christians teach that the seventh-day Sabbath of the Ten Commandments is no longer binding, that man has the power to change God's Law by claiming His holy worship day to be Sunday, that the Law was done away with at the cross, that correct doctrine is not terribly important as long as there is unity in "love", that man has an immortal soul and that the wages of sin are not really death, but eternal life burning in hell, they are really believing and accepting the same principles as pantheistic New Agers do when they think their ideas, standards and doctrines to be superior to the laws, standards and doctrines which God has clearly revealed in the Bible and asked of them to believe and follow. They are really repeating the same sins of Eden in thus making themselves as God and believing satan's twin lies to Eve that humans could break God's Law and would not die.
Secrets Unsealed
Monday, 10 October 2016
Duration: 58 mins
Help us caption and translate this video on In this presentation, Pastor Bohr shows that those who doubt the story of Noah's Ark and the worldwide flood must also discount the testimony of Jesus, Peter and Paul, who all spoke and wrote about Noah and the flood as being real. He shares several reasons why this story is historically true and is also prophetic of end time events. He discusses how satan, by influencing the mixing of Seth's descendants, called the "sons of God", with Cain's rebellious descendants in marriage, almost destroyed the holy line from which the Messiah would come until there were hardly any righteous men left on earth. The mixture of Christianity with the world is leading to increasingly similar results in these last days as the love of pleasure, greed, idleness, pride, sexual sins and violence corrupt many in the church as well as unbelievers. Pastor Bohr also shows how the shut door of the ark, the seven days they had to wait inside, and the words that the wicked were "taken away", all have important meaning for the understanding of last day events. Jesus gave four parables at the end of His talk about the signs of His coming that show how we are to prepare for what is ahead. This sermon will encourage you to heed the "three angels" who sound a warning message similar to Noah's, to separate from the sins of "Babylon", to put your all into building up the cause of God and to leave the results with Him. Help us caption & translate this video!
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